Hello 2017

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Featured: Little Tokyo

Hello blog. It's sad to wrap up the year with only my 5th post for 2016. I have to be honest, I've been focusing on living life. I am not saying not posting has been a good thing. In actuality, it is probably bad. Posting pictures of my life is how I collect and retain memories. It's hard to look back on my year without referencing my photos.
But as how I remember my year, I can only recall the best moments. 2016 was full of some crazy stuff (news + my personal life included). As per tradition that I hope to continue, here are some of my favorite memories.
Bringing in 2016 with friends
Some freaking awesome tinder dates
Working in Cape Cod
Adventures in Cape Cod
Housing a kitten for a week
Turkey with friends
Porter Robinson + Madeon
Trying bourgie food places
Some impulsive decisions

In addition to those memories, these are my favorite shots of the year. Yes, they may not all go together. But, I think its a friendly reminder of progress, change, and a note to not be stagnant.

2016 Photos:

To another year.