Bake Marathon

2:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Featured: gingerbread cookies recipe | red velvet cookies

I think this winter break is going to be the main culprit of the elusive freshmen 15. Right when I hopped off the plane, all I wanted was: eat Din Tai Fung, get In-n-out, and bake (and yes I did do those things in that order). 

It's been kind of a tradition of mine to make cookies and give them to my friends during winter break. This break is no exception. I've been wanting to bake gingerbread cookies because I've fallen hopelessly in love with them (yeah, like that Fault in Our Stars type love). Screw that pumpkin spice stuff. Ginger is where it's at. And these cookies are really (expletive) good. 

As I mentioned in previous blogposts, I am a die-hard fan of Cool-haus. Well, last summer I bought a cook book filled with their most popular ice-cream and cookie recipes. I decided to try out the red-velvet cookies. I mean you can never go wrong with a cake + cookie combo. These are my mom's favorites, but I stand by my gingerbread (SO GOOD).

The best part of baking these cookies is decorating them. Honestly, I just like the idea of drawing with something edible. It's just the icing on the cake to make for a festive look (I really tried to stretch that pun, sorry).

Food is love, food is life. Happy eating this holiday!