NYC: Thanksgiving

9:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Featured: NYC
Used: Canon 7D | 50mm

So the sad part of Thanksgiving break is that it's not a week long, making it impractical to fly home. But that's okay, because I got to visit New York! I probably was a little bit too excited for this trip only because I was going to see one of my best friends (she's the next best thing to going home for break).

My first time visiting, I left the city not really liking it. But after this trip, the city has grown on me. I miss the Halal cart that was conveniently located across the street from my friend's dorm and served really good food. Actually, I miss finding food for $5; they don't have that here in Boston. Despite only being in NYC for about 3 days, I've grown accustomed to stores being open 24/7. I only realized that this was a privilege when I stuck hungry in the middle of the night, with no places to go, like I am now.

I know you must be thinking that my trip only revolved around me eating food. It kind of did. Most of the money I spent was on food. But I did see the Macy's Day Parade and explored Chinatown. I wish I could of gone to all of those "tourist-y" spots, but I don't think I would've grown to like NYC that much if I see them. When you're trying to see all of these things in a short period of time, it just leads to stress. I'd much rather enjoy my time with my friends and explore the city with them.

Since I'm going to be in the east coast for 6 years, I figured I have all that time to explore and visit those tourist spots.